Arbutin Suppliers in India

Arbutin – Perfect solution for dark skin offered by Chemical Brothers

Hyperpigmentation is a common skin problem after acne and wrinkles. It is the main cause of making skin darker especially the face which is exposed to the sun. The problem of hyperpigmentation is common among Indians where the climate is hot and humid. Chemical Brothers is a name that is thriving in the Indian market as the leading ingredient developer. In our wide range of supplies, we have included arbutin as one of the key ingredients to be used in products that deal with pigmentation and dark spots. We are the arbutin suppliers that you can trust so far for cosmetic manufacturing endeavors.

What is arbutin ingredient?

Arbutin is an underrated ingredient that works as a skin brightener. It delivers impressive outcomes and is used in a number of skin care products. It is a natural ingredient that we derive from plants such as wheat, pear, and bearberry. Though it can be developed synthetically as well and being the leading arbutin suppliers in India, we are involved in the process. Arbutin is a derivative of hydroquinone that works as a key enzyme in developing skin pigment. However, it comes with drawbacks of igniting side-effects risks to the skin. Arbutin is considered a safer option than hydroquinone thus it is FDA-approved.

What does arbutin do for the skins?

As far as Indian skin is concerned, we as arbutin suppliers recommend this ingredient to cosmetic manufacturers. It is the best formulation that is developed inside our lab facility and clinically tested. The topical solution of alpha-arbutin can lighten up darker spots on the skin. It can be used as a key ingredient in skin-lightening creams, oils, and lotions. Therefore, Indian consumers can use it during their AM to PM skin care regimen. The ingredient works well in conjunction with vitamin C and glycolic acids.

Why choose Chemical Brothers for the arbutin supply chain?

We are full-fledged arbutin suppliers in India having years of expertise in this field. Our tech-enabled lab facilities, R & D department, and manufacturing units are laced with cutting-edge technology. We bring the extract of bearberry plants to be used in the liquid form of arbutin. This ingredient is used as a primary component in skincare and cosmetic products. It prevents melanin formation in various skin types and is safe for use on Indian skin. We know the formulation and how to blend the extract with other components to derive the final product.

Furthermore, we are the largest arbutin suppliers covering the wide cosmetic industry in India and overseas locations. We do offer secure composition of arbutin with other skincare ingredients. We have an in-house team of chemical developers, testers, and researchers. So, with our manufacturing units, we are capable of producing arbutin ingredients to be used for consumer end products. Hence, by consulting with us, you can get the cost advantage and can assure to get top-notch raw materials for manufacturing your cosmetic line.

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